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Your Purpose

We live in a goal driven society. In sports, we score them. In business we set them. In life, we pursue them. Millions of copies of books telling us how to achieve them are sold every year. Typically we concentrate on the How of goals - when what really matters is the Why - because goals mean nothing if they are not supported by values.


In setting your goals, you need to determine your purpose in order to define your legacy.  You have to start by asking yourself the right questions.


1.  What are your core values? 

Answering this one may take a little digging. A core value is something that you believe in and  stick to no matter what! 

It is non-negotiable.


List as many of your personal core value as you can identify, then rank them  by priority. For the  purposes of this exercise, you will focus on your top three, so be sure about those priorities.


2.  How do you spend your time? 

Relate this to your top three core values - other than eating and sleeping, how much of your time is spent on activities that relate to these values?


3.  How do you spend your money? 

After you provide for shelter, food and other necessities, how much of your money is spent on your top three core values?


Once you have taken the time to identify your core values, and considered your actions with respect to those values, you will begin to see where things may be off course in your life. Essentially, the greater the proportion of time and money you spend on your most important core values, the more balanced and satisfying your life will become.


Knowing this, you can now begin to set the goals which will establish your legacy. To begin defining your goals, let's connect.

Walk by the river

Let's Connect

30 Duke St. West, Suite 405 
Kitchener ON N2H 3W4

T: 519-743-5404
TF: 1-800-814-9574

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